Topics Discussed

Meeting Notes

Dec 14, 2015 - AGM

Financial Update:
104 K income to December
40,500 from member dues
60,000 Raspberry Pi sales

85,000 spent
tax bills coming (8 K estimate)

45,000 in the bank.
Pi sales led to a 20K profit.

Similar to last year in terms of income \ expenses.
15,000 spent on tools.

107 members as of Dec 14.
Diyode is registered as an NGO, but not as a charity.

Director Elections were not held:
- Mark Zander
- Eva
- Jamie
- John
- Peter Coleman
- Ken Brown
- Adrian Harding
were aclaimed.
Simon motioned approval of these 7.
Show of hands passed with motion with no 'No' votes.

Worth putting forward a small pool of people who are able to help with 'specific' tasks.
'I'm willing to do stuff' list
set up different committee's
- formal ask into membership.
- Dave \ Christina Weeks \ Gavin \ Galen

e-mail out a monthly newsletter

Simon needs help with tool purchases from US.

Round of applause for Liam.
Round of applause for Breannan.
Round of applause for John A.

Jamie is trying to get more member photo's on the web site.

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop, Galen Fick, James McKeown, John Craig, Liam Mayes, Peter Coleman, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker