Topics Discussed

Landlords' insurance requirments - simon_clark

we will get more extuigushers. connect dust collector to all big tools. Investigate fire curtains,

Borrowed Tools Policy - simon_clark

We have tools borrowed from members. If they break, we will fix them for now, and will work on replacing them all in the fall so that we have no borrowed tools. Eva volunteers to administer

Chasing up unpaid accounts - simon_clark

Mark will chase up everything that is not getting paid.

Open source ecology - simon_clark

Jason came to visit. Is working with Open Source hardware .org. Wants to run a workshop in Guelph on building a power cube. We agreed to host the workshop.

Meeting Notes

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Colin Udowiczenko, James McKeown, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond