Topics Discussed

blog posts - simon_clark

Verdi is happy to run a workshop on this. He will run one next week after the meeting proper. John suggests getting into the habit of writing a blog post every Monday: "What's happening in the shot this week."

Scroll Saw - tony_

Erik has brought in his old scroll saw. It's up for sale, and our current scroll saw is a member loan. Asking price is $200. Any interested parties should submit their opinions to the finance committee.

Drills - tony_

Thus spake Verdi: For the last few weeks, Brennan and Verdi have been investigating drills. In that time, Simon has bought 3x$100 drills at Home Depot. So be careful with the DeWalt drills; they're new.

Meeting Notes

Brennan and James are looking for inverters in use in the Santa Claus parade. The painting and build process is going on over the week. If anybody wants to assist in painting and pinstriping, talk to Adrian, James, Cai or Chelsea. Saturday will be the big build day.

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop, Liam Mayes, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond