Topics Discussed

shop re-org with new cabinets - simon_clark

We have new cabinets. We're putting it up. And it'll be good. We've mounted one up on a wall already. Two more will be mounted shortly.

August Build Night : Jameco Electronics - _zANDER_

There's a build night workshop happening July 17th courtesy of Sugru. Also, Jameco is sponsoring a build night in August, and they are giving us hardware kits.

Boo Radleys BooHaul tour - simon_clark

They're converting a U-Haul into a stage. They'd like to know if we would like to have a 'pop-up' concert here. Are we interested? We're not against it, but we're not committed as yet.

pi cases and laser maintenance - simon_clark

We need to start cutting before July. The laser needs a cleaning and realignment before that get's started. Seth has volunteered.

New Mitre saw - simon_clark

Should be coming whenever Home Depot manages to find one.

Toronto Mini-Make Faire - _zANDER_

Submission deadline is coming up. Mark Zander is submitting on behalf of Diyode; if you'd like to go / show off, let him know.

Seth Wednesday booth - simon_clark

This wednesday, the guelph market is getting re-started at St. George square. Seth gets a ten by ten booth. He's volunteered to put up a table with Diyode information.

Codeshield Press Release - simon_clark

We're looking at launching the indiegogo campaign one week tomorrow. We need to get press releases out to local print before that. The Mercury requires about three business days to turn around articles.

Meeting Notes

Kwartzlab is having a 3d printer open house on Wednesday night. See their website for details.

Members Present

Simon Clark, Theo Bakker