Topics Discussed

The Truck. - tonious

Mark has been voluntold.

New compressor - simon_clark

New shop compressor estimated at $1000. 60 gallon tank, and 3-5 HP. Plenty of power for shop air, but not enough for sandblasting. Purchase approved.

3d scanner - simon_clark

How can we add to our capabilities. Keith Sine has volunteered for this.

Used tool buying - simon_clark1

We're looking at going on a field trip to a used tool shop this week, likely on Thursday. Actually,

Metal casting capabilities - simon_clark

Simon is getting refractory material to build a blast furnace. He's looking for people to help out. Is this something that Diyode should contribute to it? We're looking at $300-400 investment.

u of waterloo engineering society codeshield workshop - Diyode-Quassel_

There are some students at UofW that wants to start offering courses to engineering students. Christian has volunteered to run a codeshield workshop.

codeshield kit building night - Diyode-Quassel_

There's enough material for another 100 codeshield kits. We'll aim for post-Santa Claus parade. If we get rush orders, we'll pull out the stops.

U of G SOFAAM Mulch Sale November 9th. - simon_clark

School of Fine Art and Music. They're working with Musagetes on a project in the ward. They're looking for an organization to partner up with. They need an area to store mulch and distribute November 9th. They'll require tables and external space. They are going to put tarps down so as not to leave any spare mulch. We're willing to accommodate (providing we're the last resort).

Family Hack Jam Preparations - simon_clark

This Saturday is Family Hack Jam. Christian, Dave Carpenter and Verdi are teaching two arduino courses. They need any help.

Move CNC router - _zANDER

If anyone can help Mark spin the CNC router after the meeting, that'd be great.

Pumpkin Promenade - tonious

Two Rivers is running a post-Hallowe'en Pumpkin Promenade on November 2nd from 6:30 to 8:30. Last year, Diyode (or Adrian at least) brought a truck and generator. Simon can provide a generator, but cannot attend.

Continuing Ed. Arduino Course - tonious

There's an arduino course running at OCAD on saturday mornings called Gizmology. If anybody wants to sign up and carpool, talk to Annie Dunning.

build weekend - simon_clark

The weekend after the Santa Claus parade is set aside for shop build / shop upgrades. If anybody is around to help, that'd be fantastic.

Meeting Notes

Sooncon is coming up fast on November 1st. $40 for a weekend pass. Kwartzlab is hoping to host it at The Museum.

Members Present

Brennan McKillop, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond