Topics Discussed

SoOnCon wrap-up - simon_clark

Dave and Verdi went. spoke on the hackerspaces panel, had fun. Yay

New tech budget and science education money - simon_clark

Once finances stabilize, should we allocate some money to buy intop compelling noew tech such as castAR, etc. Decision deferred for now.

Guelph festival of moving media - TooMany_Daves

They are looking for some technically literate volunteers. Please help if you can.

Jenny's Karaoke bus status - simon_clark

Bus has been purchased. will be worked on over winter and project will begin in the spring.

Make Robot Hack Jam - - simon_clark

Theo, Matt, Seth and Brennan are interested. Simon will send on the information

santa claus parade - simon_clark

Work is proceeding on the cadilac, Diyode Truck will lead the parade.volunteers are always appreciated.

payment engine - simon_clark

Simon and John are revamping the way we pay. Expect cash payments and failed credit cards to get chased up much more regularily.

Diyode Christmas party - simon_clark

Verdi will look into organizing something.

workshop build weekend - simon_clark

November 23rd we will start redoing the shop's electrical and air supply. Please come and help.

people using food area badly - simon_clark

Clean up messes in the food area. Food has been left on the counter to rot recently.

Meeting Notes

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond