Topics Discussed

SantaParade - _zANDER

Downtown board wants to build a large pink cadillac. We will let them use the workshop and tools. Mark and Adrian and Brennan and John will help and advise

ben sculpture - simon_clark

Ben has a large sculpture that he needs a wooden base (five foot, metal rods throughout). Simon, Seth, Mark, will help build in december/ january

Family Hack Jam again, 10-4 on October 26th - simon_clark

Christian, Verdi, David Carpenter. , Tony, will teach

scaffolding and lighting and hoses, oh my - simon_clark

Mark, Ken, Simon and Brennan will discuss

diesel transit bus - automageektu

There is interest in having somethingl ike that, but not that

Riding lawn mowers - simon_clark

Simon will contactt the buyer, get an offer, pass it by Brennan and Verdi

Ada Lovelace day festivities - October 15th - _zANDER

Tuesday after thanksgiving is Ada lovelace Day. Eva will look at it some more.

Meeting Notes

October 19th is the Science hack Jam at Ed Video.

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond