Topics Discussed

Trillium event, bbq, open house, and parade build - simonclark_thr

lots of stuff going on Saturday. Trillium thing 11:30

pictures at OTF Recognition Ceremony for blog - automageektu

Simon will bring.

invites for OTF - automageektu

will invite Lloyd, Cam, Frank

AGM preparations - simonclark_thr

November 24th! Adrian, James, Mark, and the rest will run

Pianos on Thursday - simonclark_thr

yes, we are good - simonclark_thr

no, fuck that.

trailer upate - simon_clark

we have an idea what trailer we want. $3600. We will discuss wish list priorities at the AGM

Meeting Notes

Members Present

Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop, Colin Udowiczenko, James McKeown, John Craig, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond